Meet The Instructors


Our surf instructors are committed to bringing you a safe and encouraging surf experience while providing the guidance you need to catch a wave in no time.

Ragga Surf owner & instructor Jim - surfing in Nicaragua

Ragga Surf owner & instructor Jim - surfing in Nicaragua

Jim Powell

Jim Powell has been surfing for over 36 years. Surf’s up? Jim has a “board meeting” to get to…

Always encouraging, Jim’s extensive athletic coaching experience and lighthearted approach translates to each lesson. His students quickly catch his passion for the ocean and discover their own love of surfing.

Married to his high school sweetheart, they share 4 incredible children and 5 grandchildren together. When he’s not in the ocean, he can found hard at work creating a patented, eco-friendly surf board. He currently resides in Hammock Beach, Florida.


Instructor Aaron - surfing in northern Perú

Aaron Holmes

Always up for a surf or adventure on the coast, Aaron is a passionate surfer of over 15 years. Aaron brings laughter and inspiration to his students, flattening fears and imparting his own excitement about surfing.


Catch us on the coast!

We’re always up for connecting with new friends!

Just look for the Sunset Orange VW Bus - we’re chasing waves up and down the East Coast of Florida!